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One thing I never understood is how a star
hotter than the hottest sun can appear in a dark night sky.

The Peary, which Hergé must have found just as quaint as we do, really existed:
It was used by Denmark in the 1951 Pearyland expedition
(to the North coast of Greenland)
Hergé took the plane off and gave it to Tintin.
The plane Peary carried was a Noorduyn Norseman.
Over 900 of them were built in Canada by the former Dutch Fokker manager, between 1935 and 1959

The original of Tintin's plane is a ~1939 German Arado AR196 floatplane
The Bismarck carried five of them

You can find more photographs of it at Warbird Pictures.


This has been in the Dutch version for over 50 years
You'd think by now somebody would have thought of fixing those registration letters
C'mon, Hergé puts in new cars and you let this go?

Copyright by Hergé

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all Tintin material © by Hergé
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